Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Direction1. Funeral (Design for rites)

There are three unforgettable moments in our lives: the moment we were born, get married and die. Most of people get excited when it comes to birthdays and weddings. People want their birthday parties or weddings to be differnet and unique from others by customizing the part/ceremony with their own needs. But when it comes to funeral, everything gets heavy in the mood too formal in the presentation.

The funeral is the ceremony marking a person's death. At the same time, it is the moment for others to look back upon the person's life when he/she was alive. Funeral ceremony is still the part of one's life event.

We believe the funeral should represent the memories of the deceased to personalize cermony.
Therefore, we decided to get people engaged with their own funeral. We want to provide a design that helps them personalizing their own funeral with their needs/wants to relfect who they lived. Also, we wnat to get people to express their life experiences and to represent what kind of person he/she was.

Out audience can personalize their last moment to be remembered, so it reflects who they are and the way they lived.

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